Quarantine Comforts


During quarantine, I have taken comfort in reconnecting with my inner child. She’s definitely always there, but this forced pause has brought the desire to really lean into things that brought me joy as kid. This has especially manifested in what I’ve been listening to and what I’ve been watching. 

I’ve had New-Age queen, Enya, on heavy rotation. Her music is undeniably beautiful and it also holds a special place in my heart because it reminds me of days spent with my grandparents growing up. Grandpa would put one of her CDs (!) on in the family room and I would exhaust myself by dancing around the dining room table to her mythical songs. My favorite time to play Enya now is in the morning while I have my coffee and make breakfast - the scent of warming toast reminding me of my Grandma’s favorite cozy snack (cinnamon raisin toast and a cup of decaf!). I put together a little playlist of my favorite Enya songs here for you to relax and unwind with. Or maybe you’ll feel compelled to dance around the living room too! 


As far as TV goes, I have been spending a lot of (maybe too much?) time re-watching The X-Files. True confession - I used to want to be an FBI agent because of this show! I religiously watched it every Friday at 9pm, delighted and terrified by Mulder & Scully’s adventures. I read all the fan fiction (we called ourselves “X-Philes”), had every book on the show and listened to the soundtrack REGULARLY. Needless to say, it’s brought me much joy to watch it again - it’s like reconnecting with an old friend. Here’s a list of my favorite episodes from Season 1 to get you started (although I recommend watching them all): 


Ghost In The Machine

Beyond The Sea

Darkness Falls

The Erlenmeyer Flask
